Sunday, August 7, 2016

Spiritual Sunday: The Blessings of Keeping the Commandments

I was just asked to speak next Sunday on the blessings of keeping the commandments. I'm just going to brainstorm here on my blog in prep for the talk.

  • Feeling real peace, in spite of storms and challenges
  • Feeling right with oneself and with God
  • Having the protection and comfort of the Holy Ghost
  • Maintaining your part of the covenant with God
  • Being able to endure problems
  • Avoiding certain consequences-abstaining from sex means you avoid pregnancy, STDs, emotional and physical suffering, abstaining from alcohol, drugs, and caffeine protects you from addiction, prison, dangerous situations
  • Being able to look forward to returning to Heavenly Father
  • Being worthy to attend the temple
  • Having blessings pour out upon you
Any thoughts you would like to share? I have a lot to think about this week.


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