Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday Favorites: The Abolitionist

Did you know that there are 27 million slaves in the world today and 2 million of those slaves are children, often sold into sex slavery?

This fact devastates me and should horrify you. Its real and none of us have the right to ignore it or pretend that it doesn't exist.

A small group of men have begun to fight against this trafficking. Over the years, they have launched successful sting operations to shut down trafficking rings.

On May 16th, Monday, 480 movie theaters in the United States will be showing a documentary film called The Abolitionists about the work these men are doing to free children who were sold into sexual slavery.

This movie will only be shown on one day, unless it has a good turnout on Monday.

The gals at Mercy River have a powerful blog post about why everyone should see this movie.
The Abolitionists: Why We're Seeing the Movie We Don't Want to See

To me this movie, and the work being done by good men shows how men can use their power and unique qualities as a powerful and righteous force for good.

You can find a theater near you here.


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