Friday, April 1, 2016

Friday Favorites: General Conference Prep, The General Women's Session, and Self-Objectification

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is having their annual General Conference this weekend. I've been seeing some great ideas of activities, notebooks and things to do to bring the whole family together for this event. Here are a few of my favorite ideas.

Montserrat over at Cranial Hiccups has a simple idea for creating General Conference notebooks.

General Conference Packets for Senior Primary Children.

Coloring pages, puzzles, and activity sheets for younger children.

A collection of General Conference Activity ideas.

The General Women's Session of General Conference was held last Saturday evening. The talks, songs, and videos blew me away. The choir was made up for girls and women from 50 different countries. You can watch it here.

One of the ladies over at Beauty Redefined recently shared the transcript of a podcast interview she was featured on. In the interview, Empowerment, Body Positivity Interview she discusses the concept of Self-objectification and the way that plays out in our culture.

This quote really made sense to me, "So who determines your power? If that “empowerment” is coming from the outside, it’s probably not real. It might feel like it is, and it’s hard to dismiss that because a lot of people are seeking it, but I think real empowerment feels a little bit more like what comes from within you; what you believe you can contribute to the world when you can stop yourself from being held back by the voice in your head that says, “You’re not worthwhile, you’re not valuable, until you fit this certain ideal or until you do this certain thing.” And that empowerment is absolutely possible. And it does take getting past and through body shame, through resilience in order to accomplish it. But by sharing photos of women’s bodies and viewing them online, we’re not going to get there. Even if you end up really liking what your body looks like, you could still be obsessed with what your body looks like.
That’s the problem, here, is that so many women are fighting for more women’s bodies to be viewed as valuable no matter what they look like. But even if they end up feeling good about their bodies, they are still very often stuck in a complete rut of self-objectifying all day long; being preoccupied about what they look like as they go about their lives. And that is not empowerment. That is something that is debilitating for women and studies back that up."

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